2 min read
Marsy's Law For Kentucky Launches Statewide Television Ad Campaign Ahead Of November Election
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (September 27, 2018) – Marsy’s Law for Kentucky, an organization supporting equal rights for crime victims, launched a...
Thank you for your strong and unwavering support of equal rights for Kentucky crime victims. Without you, Marsy’s Law for Kentucky would not be so close to the finish line.
Yesterday, Franklin Circuit Court dealt us a setback regarding the wording of the constitutional amendment’s ballot question. We profoundly disagree with the court's opinion and have already appealed this ruling. We are prepared to take this matter all the way to the Kentucky Supreme Court.
Our fight to ensure crime victims the rights and respect they deserve continues stronger than ever!
The ruling, prompted by a last-minute lawsuit from criminal defense attorneys, does not relate to the substance of Marsy’s Law, but rather a mere technicality on how the measure was summarized on the ballot. We strongly believe the ballot question, which was supported by an overwhelming majority of the Kentucky General Assembly, the Attorney General and the Secretary of State, properly informs voters about the constitutional amendment.
We need now your help more than ever. Please help us spread the word far and wide that Marsy’s Law WILL be on the ballot in November and we still NEED YOUR VOTE!
The judge’s ruling expressly allows for the Secretary of State to still count the ballots in support of Marsy’s Law. This was done to allow for the orderly appeal process in which we are now engaged.
The question before voters remains as simple as it is clear: should crime victims have equal rights as the accused or convicted? If you agree then VOTE YES for equal rights for crime victims on November 6!
Please help us by spreading the word to combat confusion and ensure a strong voter turnout for Marsy’s Law on Election Day!
Thank you,
Marsy’s Law for Kentucky
2 min read
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (September 27, 2018) – Marsy’s Law for Kentucky, an organization supporting equal rights for crime victims, launched a...
1 min read
CONGRESSMAN JOHN YARMUTH ENDORSES MARSY’S LAW FOR KENTUCKY Yarmuth encourages voters to support constitutional amendment for crime victims’...
2 min read
Via Ky Forward: 2018 was a milestone year for crime victims’ rights in Kentucky thanks to courageous legislators, determined advocates and...